Free Comic Outline

Free Comic Outline

TL;DR twitter post:

Hiya, I’ve been working on a free comic project outline template for aspiring or even seasoned comic authors who like to use Google Docs for their writing. This is for purely non-commercial use, meaning you can do whatever you want with it as long as you don’t try to sell it or any altered versions of it. No credit is needed either and you can share your edited versions too! It’s pretty straight-forward, so there’s really no need for me to go into it.

How to use: While logged in to your Google account, select File > Make a copy.

I cannot guarantee this will work in Microsoft Word or Libreoffice, but you can try!


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Valmoxium is a Filipino-American artist who likes to draw original characters and tell stories through comics. They hold a B.A. with no major and work as a full-time freelance artist. They have worked for conventions and D&D podcasts in the past and is currently looking into indie game development.
