Fairytale AU is an alternate universe of a story by my friend toria and is in collaboration with me, her, and our friend toc. The story revolves around the life of a lonely princess named Emily, shunned for the deadly curse on the royal family by the malevolent Witch and for her strange and terrifying powers. Her father, King Peter, rules the land of Siorai with an iron fist and harbors a dark secret within him. Caius, the new Grand Commander of the Fáinne— a circle of knights who personally guard the royal family— has grown to sympathize with the princess due to the king’s mysteriously cold treatment towards her. After a horrible incident, Caius uncovers the death of the former Grand Commander was caused by the king, and discovers he fears Emily’s powers because she could be the only one to defeat the demonic sword keeping him alive.
Caius did not want to use her as a tool, though, and instead looked to the Wastes for an alternative solution to defeat him, but they also wanted to give her a chance at a new, free life by taking her with them. However, this required more than one person to help them, and a demon named Chimmney, a secret friend of Emily, makes a deal with Caius to help them out. Caius’ protege, Vance, and their brother Nicholas, also join them to free Emily, and with the help of knight Romeo who willingly stays behind, they’re able to make their way into the Wastes— the land outside of Siorai’s protective magic barrier, a place where witches and demons reside, but also a place where the Witch’s hatred thrives.
(Only the OCs I’ve made are listed.)
Main Cast
Grand Commander of the Fáinne (former)
The Grand Commander of the king’s personal guards and keeper of Princess Emily, they defected once they grew to despise the king’s rotten ways and also sympathized with the princess. They flee to the Wastes in order to find a way to defeat the king, and to also grant her a new, freed life.

Recurring Cast

Current Grand Commander
Childhood friend of Caius who was devastated by their betrayal, and now wants to destroy them.
(made in collaboration with Toria)

Head Priestess
Head Priestess of Siorai, and the tutor of Princess Emily. She harbors a dark secret of the old Fáinne.

Previous Grand Commander
The previous Grand Commander of the Fáinne whose cause of death was covered up by the king.

Exiled Priestess
The younger sister of Nagiko, she was cast out by her for embezzling the main temple’s donations.

Dr. Olivander
Bounty Hunter
A gambling man, he is in charge of the research on golems, stolen from a previous doctor who went mad.

Bounty Hunter
An infamous bounty hunter from a human tribe of bounty hunters, they’re out for Chimmney’s head.

Victim of Chimmney’s Wishes
An exiled noble, she is a victim of the consequences of one of Chimmney’s wishes.

Medicine Witch
A healer and a witch in possession of one of the pieces of an artifact that can find the Witch’s Tree.
Minor Cast

Royal Secretary of the Queen, Riagán’s cousin
The Royal Secretary of Queen Irena, he has no fear of the king and is having a secret affair with the queen.

Mortician, Caius’ uncle
The main guy who the king hires to “clean things up” for him, but is a soft-hearted, well-meaning man.

Water Witch
A water witch who works as a healer, she heals the group after a nasty incident with a poisonous toad.

Will o’ the Wisp Witch
Twin sister of Mesmyre, she was imprisoned by the king for his nefarious experiments.

Spider Witch
A laidback yet eclectic witch who can speak to the forest spiders and (literally) wants Chimmney’s head.

A rambunctious, mischievous half-witch who hates humans due to her father abandoning her.

Candy Shop Owner, Eun-Ji’s mother
A strict, judgmental candy shop owner who distrusts human outsiders and Jin’s sister.

The runaway sibling of the Bounty Hunter who wants to live peacefully alongside witches and demons.